
[E292]Ancient Town Ready for Internet Summit

2015-12-14 LearnAndRecord

Ancient Town Ready for Internet Summit


For such an internet-focused event, a fast enough internet access is surely a top priority[优先考虑的].

Ge Wei, head of Wuzhen Tourism Co., Ltd., said over 3,000 new WI-FI hotspots[热点] have been installed making internet surfing in the township a fantastic experience.

"We have laid[放;铺设;安排] and re-enhanced[提高;加强] over 50 kilometers of optical links[光链路] in total. So, there are more than 20 'ten-gigabyte' optical cables[光缆;光纤] in the whole scenic spot[风景区;景点]."

With the conference around the corner[在拐角处;即将来临], close to 1,000 volunteers have arrived, ready to provide multilingual services[多种语言的服务].

And what's making them stand out[引人注目] is the color of their uniforms.

Wang Huilin, with the event's organizing committee[组织委员会], explains the reason behind the design.

"Wuzhen Town[乌镇] is one of our water towns[水乡] located in the south of the Yangtze River[江南]. We want to show participants some of our national features[民族特色], as well as the special flavour[特殊风味] of our water town. So we chose the color blue 'Wuzhen blue' for our working uniforms[工作服]."

This year's session[会议] takes place[发生;举行;就位] between Wednesday and Friday.

Internet cultural transmission[网络文化传播], Internet development[互联网发展] and cyber space management[网络空间管理] are among major topics.

It's also expected to provide a platform for the showcase[陈列橱,展示] of latest innovations[创新] in the industry.

Among the achievements to be showcased is an intelligent POS - or Point of Sale - terminal.

Different from traditional devices[传统设备], the new one enables customers to pay through popular mobile applications[移动应用] such as WeChat and AliPay.

Customers can complete payments simply by scanning QR codes[扫描二维码] on their smartphones.

So far, local authorities have equipped about 200 local businesses with the device.

Local entrepreneur[企业家;承包人;主办者] Zhang Cheng says the new machine meets a new and growing need of customers[满足了消费者新的增长的需求].

"In the past, many customers asked whether they could pay by WeChat or AliPay. Now after using this terminal, we really feel the immense changes[巨大变化] the Internet has brought to our lives."

At the same time the new device can boast enhanced security features[促进增强安全性能].

Qian Feng is from the Wuzhen Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China.

"The first thing ensuring payment security is the signature[签名] of the customer, which allows them to check their transaction[交易]. The second thing is that we can trace merchandisers[跟单员;推销商;业务员] and banks through information saved in the terminal[终端机]. That way, we can safeguard tourists' rights and interests[权益]."

More than 2,000 political and business leaders from around the world will attend the event, including the prime ministers of Russia[俄罗斯总理], Pakistan[巴基斯坦(总理)], and Kazakhstan[哈萨克斯坦(总理)].

Chinese President Xi Jinping will deliver a keynote speech[发表主旨演讲] at the opening ceremony[开幕式].

For CRI, this is Tu Yun.

